János Vető
(b. 1953)

lives and works in Budapest, Hungary
2020 Nárcisz és Psyché és más régi új, Pegazus Galéria,
2020 Duo, Trio, Fluo, aqb Project Space, Budapest
2019 Introduction, Galleri Rostrum, Malmö
2018 Vintage, Bubble Wrap, Pixel, Galleri frindiau
2016 Vigil, acb NA, Budapest
2013 Witty, Budapest Gallery
RELAX (with Maria Lavman and Lotte Tauberlassen),
Nordisk kunst, ADDO, Malmö
We will be reborn – Zuzu-Vető, Neon Gallery, Budapest
2012 Public art, Verzó online Gallery
2009 Photographs 1975-1986, Vintage gallery, Budapest
2008 Beautiful nothing, Me-Mo-Art, Budapest
NahTe 14 videohaiku and other electro-doodling, Pixel
Gallery, Budapest
Tibor Hajas latest works collaborated with János
Vető, Vintage Gallery, Budapest
2007 Zuzu-Vető, Me-Mo-Art Gallery, Budapest
Zuzu-Vető works –Installation art int he 80’s, Ernst Museum,
Fotografi i fokus, ADDO, Malmö (S)
2006 Zuzu-Vető, Kisterem Gallery, Budapest
2005 Tibor Hajas (1946-1980): Emergency Landing,
Ludwig Museum, Budapest
2003 Coloured and past air, Hungarian House of Photography,
1997 In memoriam Tibor Hajas, Ernst Museum, Budapest
1996 Hang on Vision, Politiken, Copenhagen (Maria Lavmannal)
1995 Hommage to the holy light-bulb, Overgaden, København (D)
Encuentro en Copenhagen – Reencuentro en Bilbao,
La Brocha, Bilbao (E)
1994 Panel, Liget Gallery, Budapest
Ultimate pictures, Vizivárosi Gallery, Budapest
„Láthatatlan, hallgathatatlan, hallatlan”, Újlak Gallery,
1993 Panel, Fotografisk Galleri, København (D)
1991 Still Life, Fészek Gallery, Budapest
Make babies not art, Liget Gallery, Budapest
1989 Galerie Notuno, Geneve (I)
1988 Guitar lesson for Aliens, Budapest
1987 Ungarsk samtidsfotografi, Museet for fotokunst,
Brandts klæderfabrik
New York-New York, Liget Gallery, Budapest
Budapest-New York, Kunstlicht Galerie, Frankfurt (G)
1986 Photos, Liget Gallery, Budapest
1985 Galeria Mana, Wien (A)
1984 ’Zászló, obo, oboszutrák’, Stúdió Gallery, Budapest
1983 ’Új zászlók, új szelek’, Budapest
1982 ’Pinceszoborkert’, Vajda Lajos Studio, Szentendre (H)
Rabinext Gallery, Budapest
1981 Zelfportret en Dialog, Galerij Micheline Swajcer, Antverpen
Bam-Bam…, Bercsényi Club, Budapest
1979 Excavation, Bercsényi Club, Budapest
1977 Galerie Schweidebraden, Berlin
1975 Fiatal Művészek Klub, Budapest
1974 ’Spárgatárlat’, Bercsényi Club, Budapest
1973 Concept art, Gül Baba türbe, Wágner villa

Lou Reed Total photographed by János Vető 1978 18 x 24 cm zselatinos ezüst - gelatin silver print vintage
2023 Summer Wine - Einspach Fine Art & Photography, Budapest
2020 ORD SOM BILD /BILD SOM ORD 2020 – Artists Books inspirerat av Lasse Söderbergs poesi, Galleri Rostrum, Malmö
2019 Korszakkincsek, Duna Museum, Esztergom
2018 Promote, Tolerate, Ban: Art and Culture in Cold War Hungary, Wende Museum, Culver City, Kaifornia
2017 Summer Show, acb Gallery, Budapest
Two-way movement Focus: Hungary, viennacontemporary,
With the Eyes of Others, Elizabeth Dee Gallery, New York
Hungarian Gaze, National Museum, Warsaw, (Pl)
2016 Lights of the Night. Cooperation and Interaction with
Tibor Hajas. Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich
The Freedom of the Past, Mai Manó Ház, Budapest
2014 Waldsee 1944 and Cruel mailing – Anti-Semitic postcards
1895-1930, 2B Gallery, Budapest
Fetish, Taboo, Relic, Vajda Lajos Stúdió, Szentendre (H)
1, 2, ! ? „Itt jelentkezzen öt egyforma ember” – Concept
’palimszeszt’ or the Hungarian conteptualism, Paksi
Képtár, Paks (H)
Hungarian Hippies, Karton Gallery, Budapest
2013 The Naked Man, Ludwig Museum, Budapest
2010-2012 Global All Stars concerts, Copenhagen, IslandsBrygge
2012 The Other Half of the Sky. Selection from the
Ludwig Museum's Collection
2009 Karneval-Karneval, Erlangen / Berlin (G)
Gallery Night Budapest, Mucius Gallery
NOW, Gödör Terasz Gallery, Budapest
Kontor Orkester Rostrum, Malmö (S)
„Brännaren 2”, Malmö (S)
Björn Ross Micro Art Festival, Rostrum, Malmö (S)
Berlinale special on Central European Cold War Films, Berlin
2008 Beautiful Nothing, MeMoArt Gallery
14 Videohaiku and other electro-scratch, Pixel Gallery
Karneval-Karneval, Fleet Street Theater, Hamburg
János Vető – Photographs 1975-1986, Vintage Gallery
Neo-avantgarde tendencies, Zichy castle
2007 „Mari és Évike” (Zuzu-Vető), MeMoArt Gallery
2006 BOX Norland
Karneval-Karneval, Fleet Street Theater, Hamburg
Urban Contact Zone: Sharing Areas – Using Places, Hamburg
2005 What’s Next? – Neighborhoods and Artistic Practices,
Copenhagen (D)
Neofoton, Szentendre (H)
FMK – those 80s’, Kogart
2001 Regard Hongrois – Hungarian Gaze, Palais Royal, Paris (F)
2002 New works, Liget Gallery, Budapest
2000 Média Modell - Interactive technics, Kunsthalle, Budapest
1999 Dokumentum, Kunsthalle, Budapest
1994 Group picture, Vigadó Gallery
’80s – Fine Arts, Ernst Museum, Budapest
1993 2nd Hungarian Epigon Exhibition, Kafnagel International
Kulturfabrik, Hamburg (G)
Ung Skulptur Skovlunde Bypark
Variations for Pop Art, Ernst Museum, Budapest
1991 The General Art strike Exhibition – Perpetuum Mobile, Genf
1990 TRIUMF det ubeboelige, Charlottenborg, Kobenhaven
/ Kunsthalle
1989 Junge Ungarische Fotografen, Galerie Treptow
/ Galerie Pumpe, Berlin
The Metamorphic Medium : New Photography from Hungary,
The Alllen Memorial Museum, Oberlin, Ohio
1988 Zeitgenössische Ungarische Fotografie. Fotogalerie Wien (A)
1986-87 Aspekte Ungarischer Malerei der Gegenwart,
Erholungshaus der Bayer AG, Leverkusen / Stadhalle Hagen
/ Stadthaus Galerie, Münster
1987 Ungarsk samtids forografi, Museet der Fotokunst Out of
Eastern Europe: Private Photography, MIT Visual Arts Centre,
Cambridge, Massachusets
1986 1ère Biennale Internationale pour la Photographie d`Art et
de Recherche,Galerie Dongue, Paris
1985 101 object, Óbuda Gallery, Budapest
Unkarin maalaustaidetta 1945-1985, Kaupungin talon
Ala-Aula, Helsinki
Hungarian Arts in Glasgow – Eighteen Artists, Glasgow
Art Center
Drei Generationen Ungarischer Künstler, Neue Galerie
am Landesmuseum, Graz
Caption, Kunsthalle, Budapest
1984 Newly painted, Ernst Museum, Budapest
Plánum ’84 Art Festival, Almássy téri Szabadidő Központ
Gud & Gramatik, Charlottenborg, Kobenhaven
1983 ’Álomi szép képek’, Óbuda Gallery
1982 Egoland Art, Fészek Gallery
1981 Tendencies 1970-1978, Óbuda Gallery
Fact-picture – The History of Hungarian Photography
1840-1981 Kunsthalle Art und Telekomunikation, Wien-Berlin-
1980 6 Hongaarse kunstenaars, Museum Hedendaagse
1979 Biennale of Sydney, The Art Gallery of New South Wales,
Works and Words, De Appel Arts Centre, Amsterdam
1978 Moderne Fotografie aus Ungarn, Galerie Schwaindebraden,
1976 Exposition, Hatvany Lajos Museum, Hatvan
1975 Montage, Ferencvárosi Művelődési Központ
1974 Comic, Ferencvárosi Művelődési Központ