Kotormán Norbert
(b. 1967)
born in Békéscsaba, Hungary

Photo: Róbert Csíkszentmihályi
Norbert Kotormán is primarily a modeling sculptor, regardless of whether the final material of the sculpture is bronze, stone, wood or anything else. Clay is one of the most ancient sculptural materials, the most obvious tool in the hands of the sculptor to quickly pour his thoughts into shapes or rather to knead them: he thinks by modeling and models by thinking. The answer to the problems of sculpture is the sculpture, which is created by the interaction of the form inspired by the thought and the thought inspired by the form. His sculptures mingle with classical Indian and Greek sculptures, they are primarily figurative sculptures, which are often also contemporary transcriptions of classical themes, topos, or perhaps specific works, such as the wooden variant of Dominique Ingres' Great Odalisque or the Herakles in Graphisoft Park. The structure can be felt under the strong forms of the figures with soft lines, their shapes are more passive than active. The previously natural or only natural world has already changed, gender and gender roles become uncertain or transformed: below and above, vertical and horizontal are interchangeable. The wry humor and irony of these paraphrases becomes really evident when you know the pre-images, as the figures seem to be redrawn memories of reality, their effect lies precisely in their difference from natural forms.
1989-1994 MA Department of Sculptor, University of Fine Arts, Budapest
1995-99 DLA Department of Sculptor, Janus Pannonius University, Pécs
1994 Herman Lipót -Prize
2002 Derkovits -Prize
2013,2017 Ministry of Human Resorces -Prize, Autumn Exhibition of Vásárhely
2018 Academy of Fine Arts Hungary –Prize, Autumn Exhibition of Vásárhely
2019 Munkácsy Mihály - Prize
2020 Tornyai - Prize
1995 Tornyai János Museum, Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary
1999 Artus Studio, Budapest [with László Kotormán ]
2002 Galery of Pécs , Hungary
Pincegaléria, Pécs [with Zsolt Nyári]
Parti Galéria, Pécs
2003 A.P.A. Arts Center, Budapest [with Lola Kovács].
2013 Parthenon –frieze Saloon, University of Fine Arts, Budapest
2016 Vizivárosi Galery, Budapest
2017 Erdős René House, Budapest
2018 MANK Collectiv Atelier, Hódmezővásárhely [with Lászlóval Kotormán]
2021 Tornyai János Museum, Hódmezővásárhly
1989 Students of the University of fine Arts , Margaret Island, Watertower, Budapest
1993 Students of the University of Fine Arts, Pataki Gallery, Budapest
40. Autumn Exhibition of Vásárhely, Tornyai János Museum, Hódmezővásárhely
1997 DLA-students Exhibition, Gallery of Pécs, Pécs
1998 Stonesculptor of Pécs, Bildhauser Form, Lahr, Germany
1999 Open air sculptors, Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary
2001 „Szobrászaton innen és túl“, Kunsthalle, Budapest
2003 Exhibition of Derkovits-Prize, Ernst Museum, Budapest
“ Plastica Dreams” , Kunsthalle, Budapest
2013 Autumn Exhibition of Vásárhely. Hódmezővásárhely
2015 Autumn Exhibition of Vásárhely. Hódmezővásárhely
2015 "Fakultáció", Nagyatád, Hungary
2018 "Baguda plusz" Tárház, Szihalom, Hungary
2020 II. Saloon of Fine Arts, Kunsthalle, Budapest
2023 Bázis Association , Gallery of Pécs, HUngary
Bázis Association Zsdral Gallery, Balatonfüred, Hungary
Baguda Association, Contemporary Arts Gallery , Dunaújváros, Hungary
Baguda Association “Piskóta”, Parthenon-Friese Saloon, Budapest
1989 Ady Endre portré Szeged
2006 1956-os Emlékmű Aggtelek, Mártély
2009 Heracles, Óbuda Graphisoft Park
2004 Statue of Saint Paul, Rákoskeresztúr, Budapest
2005 Statue of Toldi , Alsótold
2008 Statue of Saint Elisabeth, Kisoroszi
2010 Monument of Parliament, Tata
2017 Monument of the Foundation of the University, Pécs
2017 Statue of Notaire, Budapest
2020 Statue of Pope II. John Paul, Bazilika, Budapest
2021 Hunor and Magor , Transylvania
Pécs, Nagyharsány, Szolnok, Nagyatád
Hannover - Németország, Manali, Delhi - India, Taynan - Tayvan, Carrara - Olaszország

2023, Ceramic, 16 x 16 x 13 cm

2023, Ceramic, 16 x 16 x 13 cm

2023, Ceramic, 16 x 16 x 13 cm

2023, Ceramic, 16 x 16 x 13 cm

2023, Ceramic, 16 x 16 x 13 cm

150x180x70 cm