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—András Koncz—
On view: 4 May 2017 – 16 June 2017
“The new voice found by the Hungarian art scene in the early eighties wasn't defined by us no matter how many attempts were made. (…) It wasn't a long period, otherwise unforgettably easygoing and joyous. (…) In the logo of the so-called Rabinec art community, designed by Ákos Birkás and András Koncz, a rocky and hilly dreamland appeared with lakes and a dolphin, and a rising sun ball on the horizon, and the description around: »What a beautiful day«.”
(Forgács, Éva: „Gyönyörű ez a mai nap”. Magyar festészet a nyolcvanas években. In.: Gyönyörű ez a mai nap: a nyolcvanas és a kilencvenes évek magyar művészete. Történet és elmélet. Szerk.: Csilla Markója, MAOE, Budapest, 2003, 9.)

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